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3.5mm wired headset for PTT + VOIP with rotating ear piece for right/left ear wearing. Includes built-in control wrap, inline mic, PTT button and volume control.
Audio adapter cable, compatible with quick-disconnect wired headsets, for voice-directed picking and PTT applications. Requires: QD headset.
CBL-NGWT-AUQDST-02 - Connects wired headsets with Quick Disconnect connector (i.e. HS2100/ RCH50/ RCH51, BlueParrot, Voxware, and Eartec headsets) to WT6000 - Cable is used when WT6000 is worn on the wrist. - Provides additional strength on Quick Disconnect connector vs. CBL-NGWTAUQDST-01.
CBL-NGWT-AUQDLG-02 - Connects wired headsets with Quick Disconnect connector (i.e.HS2100 / RCH50 RCH51, BlueParrot, Voxware, and Eartec headsets) to WT6000 - Cable is used when WT6000 is worn on the hip. - Provides additional strength on Quick Disconnect connector vs. CBL-NGWTAUQDLG-01.
Requires 3.5MM adapter cable CBL-TC51-HDST35-01 (sold separately).
Audio adapter cable, compatible with 3.5mm wired headsets, recommended for PTT applications only.
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