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This is the main 400-card starter deck for Red Flags. From the creator of Superfight, Red Flags is a party game about convincing your friends to go on terrible dates. Here's how it works: One of your friends is going to be the single. Every other player uses perk cards to make a hot date that they...
A Party game of moral dilemmas and trolley murder Trial by Trolley is a multiplayer game in which one player plays the conductor on a runaway train intent on killing anything in its path. Every player aside from the conductor must play cards and argue to the conductor and convince him to spare...
Welcome Heroes! Many magnificent contestants have signed up for the tournament but only a handful will be chosen to join the the Tidal Blades, the elite guards of our island realm. To succeed in the Tournament and be chosen as a Tidal Blade, you must compete in Challenges held in the 3 Arenas, rise...
A Game of absurd arguments! Superfight is a game where you argue with your friends over ridiculous fights. The game is very simple. It's fun for all levels and kinds of players. The main deck consists of 500 cards, split between character cards (white cards), and powers and weaknesses (black...
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