Treat fleas and paralysis ticks every 3 months with a single tasty chew.
Advocate for Small Dogs is a spot-on treatment that provides comprehensive protection from a variety of harmful parasites. Formulated specifically for tiny canines up to 4kg, this once-a-month, water-resistant application delivers extensive protection against fleas, heartworm disease, intestinal...
Advocate for Medium Dogs 4-10 kg is an easy-to-use, water-resistant monthly spot-on that provides comprehensive protection from fleas, heartworm disease, intestinal worms, oesophageal worm, mites, and lice. This effective treatment safeguards your large canine companions from a range of harmful...
Advocate for Large Dogs 10-25 kg is an easy-to-use, water-resistant monthly spot-on that provides comprehensive protection from fleas, heartworm disease, intestinal worms, oesophageal worm, mites, and lice. This effective treatment safeguards your canine companions from a range of harmful...
Advocate for X-Large Dogs Over 25 kg is an easy-to-use, water-resistant monthly spot-on that provides comprehensive protection from fleas, heartworm disease, intestinal worms, oesophageal worm, mites, and lice. This effective treatment safeguards your extra-large canine companions from a range of...
Advocate (green) for toy dogs is a monthly topical spot-on treatment to kill fleas, and control heartworm, hookworm, roundworm and whipworm infections, it also controls mange and lice. After application, Advocate spreads rapidly over your pet, killing 98-100% of adult fleas within 12 hours of...
Advocate (grey) for large dogs is a monthly topical spoton treatment to kill fleas, and control heartworm, hookworm, roundworm and whipworm infections, and control and manage lice. After application, Advocate spreads rapidly over your pet, killing 98-100% of adult fleas within 12 hours of...