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This book looks at common problems experienced by people who have sleep-disordered breathing conditions and who use Non-Invasive Ventilation (NIV) machines and ventilators at home – CPAP, NIPPY, BIPAP etc.Whether you're having an overnight
This book presents a broad range of perspectives on the topic of CPAP adherence. This includes theoretical underpinnings of adherence; multi-disciplinary practical approaches as well as special considerations in diverse clinical populations, age g
Millions of individuals suffer from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a condition that affects breathing during sleep and has far-reaching health implications. Untreated OSA not only disrupts sleep quality but can lead to serious health conditions su
Breathe Easy explores the powerful transformation that is possible through the practice of proper breathing. Includes detailed steps the author used to reclaim natural breathing, become free of a CPAP machine, and develop habits that made restful
Living Today - With side cut-out areas this pillow is specially designed to nestle your head comfortably as it accommodates room for a CPAP mask too.Benefits:The pillow helps keep your mask from interfering with your sleepIt lifts the head and neck to help keep the airway open while sleeping on...
Obstructive sleep apnea quietly destroys memory, motivation, and even marriages. Jobs are lost, promotions delayed, and relationships strained. Performance and workplace safety is threatened, as is the ability to excel where the now-sleep-deprived
Check Point Small Business Appliances are high performance, integrated devices offering firewall, VPN, antivirus, application visibility and control, URL filtering, email security and SandBlast ZeroDay Protection, all in compact form factors that are simple to configure and manage. Advanced...
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