Inspired by the familiar story of Pinocchio, Lies of P is an action souls-like set in a dark Belle Époque world. As the puppet P, players must wind their way through the streets of the ruined city of Krat, crafting weapons from the materials found in the world and interacting with the remaining few...
Lies of P is a thrilling soulslike that takes the story of Pinocchio, turns it on its head, and sets it against the darkly elegant backdrop of the Belle Epoque era.
New Lies of P Features and Content (now featuring in-game collaboration with Wo Long) After installing the latest update, the following items can be found in the 'Equipment' and 'Bag' menus. Azure Dragon Crescent Glaive Armor of the Honorable Bandana of the...
Developed and published by NEOWIZ The city of Krat has experienced horrors unlike ever before — the once-faithful servants in the puppets have turned gnarly, destroying everything and everyone in their wake. Take control of Pinnochio, Geppeto's greatest puppet, as you embark on a journey...
Lies of P : Deluxe Upgrade and receive The Great Venigni’s Signature Coat The Great Venigni’s Glasses Mask worn by those preparing for the festival
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