Treat fleas and paralysis ticks every 3 months with a single tasty chew.
Taste of the Wilds High Prairie Canine Recipe is crafted with roasted bison and venison, offering a grain-free meal reminiscent of what dogs might eat in the wild. This premium dog food is designed to indulge your pet with a taste experience tailored to their ancestral diet. Features High-quality...
Sustainably Sourced Salmon Salmon, the number one ingredient in this formula, provides high-quality protein and omega fatty acids for skin and coat health. To help promote sustainable fishing, we use a blend of wild-caught and farmed salmon. Species Specific Probiotics Healthy digestive and immune...
Formulated with high-quality meats like pasture-fed bison and roasted venison, this ancestral diet caters to the unique nutritional needs of growing puppies. Infused with protein and enhanced with K9 strain probiotics, this formula offers balanced nutrition that puppies will love. Features...
This Southwest Canyon Canine Formula with Wild Boar provides a blend of beef, lamb, egg, and wild boar, delivering a unique protein-rich flavor that dogs crave. Formulated to reflect a dogs ancestral diet, it combines natural ingredients with added probiotics for a healthy and enjoyable meal....
Enhance your dogs mealtime with the Taste of the Wild Pine Forest Canine Formula. This nourishing, grain-free kibble features lean venison and wholesome legumes, embracing the diet nature intended for your pet. Features Premium animal protein from pasture-raised venison, the number one ingredient...
Savor the rich flavors of the wild with Taste of the Wild Wetlands Canine Formula with Wild Fowl, a high-quality, grain-free diet crafted with roasted meats and fresh vegetables for your dogs delight and health. Features Number 1 ingredient is duck, providing high-quality protein for strong muscles...
The Sierra Mountain Canine Formula provides a grain-free, roasted lamb-based diet that echoes the natural dietary patterns of canine ancestors. Features Grain-free to accommodate dietary sensitivities Roasted lamb as a high-quality, single meat protein Formulated to meet the nutritional levels...
Crafted especially for your small breed canine companion, this grain-free diet blends roasted venison with unique proteins and supportive nutrients, creating a flavorful and highly digestible meal theyll love. Features High-quality roasted venison as the primary ingredient for a unique taste...
Crafted to mimic the diet nature intended, the Taste of the Wild Prey Turkey Recipe for Dogs offers a grain-free formula enriched with cage-free turkey as its primary ingredient. Its a high-quality feed designed for optimal canine health, delivering a blend of refined flavors and balanced...