Controlling the Overlord a ruthless ancient life form with immeasurable powers the object of the game is to set out on a mission of retaliation over your evil Kesedihan to wipe out all of his kin. Settling old scores against Kesedihan for his part in yours and your brother's incarceration, you must take possession of planets colonised by this evil warlord who has ravaged all resources to feed his dominance. Waking up after years of captivity, your path of annihilation is about to begin. Space Overlords is a 3D isometric seek and destroy arcade game built and designed to be a fast paced action shoot fest The initial launch will feature seven galaxies in Single Player mode with three single player modes to choose from Main Gameplay, Co operative and Gameplay Loop. Each galaxy will have eight planets and each section feature atmospheric cut scenes. The multi player portion of the game has four game modes and focuses on pitting the players against each other. THE CONQUER GALAXIES SYSTEM Space Overlords has a built in level editor in which players can create levels to play and share with other players. Those user created levels will be showed on the COMMUNITY tab on the main UI of the game. Each player will have his/her created planets associated with their account. Other players can try to beat those planets in MULTIPLAYER MODE.
- The Excalibur Space Overlords PC Game was added to the PC Games category in October 2017
- The lowest price we found for the Excalibur Space Overlords PC Game is $9.05 from Fanatical
- Other merchants who stock it are Green Man Gaming
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Type Game | Action |